Laboratory Testing of Soil and Rock
Accredited laboratory services with constantly growing number of accredited tests supported by more than 90 years of expertise
We provide laboratory tests of soil, rock, construction and other materials such as products of burning or fill materials for former mines. The output is an assessment of site characterization, geotechnical design, quality control and performance assessments. We take part in several research tasks – including non-standard testing that allows a wide range of auxiliary test conditions to be defined.

Comprehensive geotechnical laboratory testing

Soil testing
- Classification test (particle size distribution, liquid and plastic limits)
- Physical properties (particle density in pycnometer, bulk and dry density, content of organic substances, content of carbonates)
- Compressibility in oedometer apparatus with determination of coefficient of consolidation
- Volume change tests (swelling in oedometer apparatus, collapsibility on wetting, swelling pressure in oedometer apparatus)
- Hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic conductivity in pressure cell
- Unconfined compression strength on fine-grained soils
- Triaxial compression tests (UU, CID, CIUP)
- Direct shear test (Shearbox)
- Ring shear test (Residual shear strength)
- Maximum/minimum density
- Compaction test – Proctor Standard test, Modified Proctor test
- California bearing ratio (CBR, IBI), soil improvements
- Frost heave testing

Aggregates testing
- Particle size distribution
- Fine particle content
- Flakiness index
- Shape index
- Abrasion test (Los Angeles)
- Resistance to wear (Micro-Deval)
- Freeze-thaw resistance
- Water absorption test
- Resistance to fragmentation

Rock and building material testing
- Uniaxial compressive strength test
- Tensile strength test (Brazilian test)
- Freeze-thaw resistance
- Modulus testing (cyclic)
- Void ratio
- Permeability
- Water absorption test
- Bulk density
- Slake durability test
- Abrasivity test (Cerchar)