Roadways nad Railways
We participate in the preparation and implementation of significant road and railways infrastructure
We provide engineering services for the preparation and implementation of roadway and railway constructions. We design infrastructure not only compatible with current demand, but also anticipate future capacity requirements, reduce impact of the construction to environment and improve the quality of life of those it serves. We have experience since 1995, when the main railways in the Czech Republic were modernized.

Roadways and railways construction services
- Georadar measurements during the survey period, as well as after project completion
- Geotechnical surveying of sleeper underlying rock
- Geotechnical, construction technical, and diagnostic surveying od manmade structures such as bridges, walls, and culverts
- Geotechnical, structural, and diagnostic surveying of tunnels
- Project design for sleeper underlying rock
- Project documentation consultation for addressing geotechnical issues
- Geotechnical supervision for railway construction projects
- Control tests of ground planes and construction layers, laboratory tests of base layer materials and aggregates in the track bed
- Control laboratory and onsite tests related to the construction of railways and their repair and maintenance
- Surveys, projects, and implementation of work aimed at stabilizing cliffs and slopes
- Numerical modelling and design geotechnical constructions including remediation of slope deformation