Numerical Modelling
Geotechnical modelling of complex engineering projects supported by 50 years of professional experience
Numerical modelling of geotechnical problems is nowadays an essential tool for solving complicated geotechnical issues or routine assessments as well. Numerical analyses are often irreplaceable for delivering of recommendations and final conclusions. They are highly effective and economically favorable especially in the first phases of project allowing to set final hypothesis of geotechnical issues without financially and time-consuming procedures. For numerical calculations, we use several software systems developed by world-class companies. We usually apply Czech standards or Eurocode, but we also provide solutions in accordance with German, French or other standards, compatible with the clients’ requirements. Numerical modelling of complex geotechnical issues.
Numerical modelling of complex geotechnical issues
- Determination of boundary conditions of parametric studies
- Defining of input parametres
- Set field and laboratory tests, including non-standard
- Preparing of numerical model
- Performing calculations and solving geotechnical problem
- Recommendation and evaluation of adequate monitoring methods
- Warning states design
- Consultation service for clients
Principal software systems
- PLAXIS 2D, PLAXIS Tunnel, PLAXIS 3D Foundation

Slope stability
- Natural slopes in soils or rock
- Cuts and embankments
- Constructions pits and trenches
- Anchored retaining structures
- Reinforced soils
- Slope failure remedy design
- Back analyses based on monitoring results

Underground structures
- Stress changes around underground openings
- Deformations around underground openings
- Back analyses
- Surface settlement assessment
- Surface settlement due to loss of ground analyses

Foundation design
- Foundation design
- Assessment of bearing capacity and settlement of spread and deep foundations
- High embankments settlement control
- Settlement calculations
- Structure-soil (rock) interaction

- Excessive pore pressure dissipation in soil following rapid draw down in water reservoir
- Water pressure changes in natural slopes caused by rainfalls
- Seepage under dams
- Assessment of flood protections
- Lowering of ground water table caused by subsurface drainage or by pumping from dewatering wells
- Lowering of ground water table caused by pumping from permeable aquifer
- Water inflows into construction pits and excavations
- Soil volume changes due to changes in water pressure and saturation

Special geotechnical problems
- Reinforced soil structures, nailed slopes
- Retaining walls
- Anchored underground walls
- Settlement around excavations
- Excavation floor rebound
- Problems of hydrotechnical constructions
- Design of drainage systems
- Construction of embankments, dissipation of pore pressures, prediction of consolidation and deformation of soil structures including its subsoil
- Monitoring design and warning states values setting